Flowers Delivery
Get flowers delivered to your loved ones or in your own room :
If you need to send flowers in Paris, we offer delivery of flowers by a local florist :
Vogel-Fanny Saga.
Fanny, the owner, is well known in Paris to be one of the best French florists.
Do not hesitate to contact us, or feel free to call Fanny direct on our behalf 7/7 Days.
Vogel-Fanny Saga • 2, rue de Marignan (8th) • 33 1 47 23 42 67
Vogel is also affiliated with Interflora. Flowers can be send anywhere is France and in almost every European cities.
• Delivery 7/7 days, On Sunday, Mother's Day, Christmas,Grand-Mothers' Day
• Possible delivery of bouquets within 4 hours.
• Ordered before 10 am, delivered at the end of morning.
• Ordered before 4 pm, delivered at the end of the day.
• Bouquets of flowers carried out a few minutes before the delivery.
• In the event of absence, the florist leaves a calling card , informing the recipient until the bouquet waits it its store.
• Delivery abroad : Specific guarantees for each country.
Language of flowers
The language of flowers, sometimes called floriography, was a Victorian-era means of communication in which various flowers and floral arrangements were used to send coded messages, allowing individuals to express feelings which otherwise could not be spoken.
King Charles II brought the art to Sweden from Persia in the 17th Century.
The Japanese flower language is called Hanakotoba.
The nuances of the language are now mostly forgotten, but
• red roses still imply passionate, romantic love
• pink roses a lesser affection
• white roses still suggest virtue and chastity
• yellow roses still stand for friendship or devotion.
While these may not be the exact translations of the Victorian sentiments, the flowers still hold meaning.
Symbolic meaning of roses
Red : True Love
Pink : Grace
Light Pink : Desire, Passion, Joy of Life, Youth, Energy
Burgundy : Beauty
Coral or Orange : Desire, Passion
Lavender (violet) : Love at first sight
Yellow : Friendship or Dying Love (or platonic Love) or Jealousy
White : Silence or Innocence, Virtue, Purity, Reverence and Humility
Dark Pink : Gratitude
Red and Yellow together : Joy, Happiness and Excitment
Red and Yellow together : Joy, Happiness and Excitment
Red and White together : Unity
Symbolic meaning of some common flowers
Purple Lilac : First Emotions of Love
Forget-me-not : True Love
Sunflowers : Pure and lofty thoughts
Red Tulip : Declaration of Love
Yellow Tulip : Hopeless Love
White Lily : Purity
Scarlet Lily : High-souled aspirations
Les Jardins de Bagatelle